panic: Error initializing ledger provider: unable to connect to CouchDB

发布时间:2022-06-03 11:22:24 已有0个回答 浏览67次

2022-06-03 03:13:57.455 UTC [couchdb] CreateSystemDatabasesIfNotExist -> ERRO 005 Error calling CouchDB CreateDatabaseIfNotExist() for system dbName: _users, error: error handling CouchDB request. Error:forbidden, Status Code:403, Reason:You can't edit the security object of the user database. 2022-06-03 03:13:57.455 UTC [couchdb] VerifyCouchConfig -> ERRO 006 Unable to connect to CouchDB, error: error handling CouchDB request. Error:forbidden, Status Code:403, Reason:You can't edit the security object of the user database.. Check the admin username and password. panic: Error initializing ledger provider: unable to connect to CouchDB. Check the admin username and password: error handling CouchDB request. Error:forbidden, Status Code:403, Reason:You can't edit the security object of the user database.
